SETUP_AW Register




The SETUP_AW register is used to configure the address width.


This table is copied from the nRF24L01 product specification (page 53).

Reset Value
Type Description
Reserved 7 0 R/W Only ‘0’ allowed
Reserved 6 0 R/W Only ‘0’ allowed
Reserved 5 0 R/W Only ‘0’ allowed
Reserved 4 0 R/W Only ‘0’ allowed
Reserved 3 0 R/W Only ‘0’ allowed
Reserved 2 0 R/W Only ‘0’ allowed
AW 1:0 11 R/W RX/TX Address field width
’00’ – Illegal
’01’ – 3 bytes
’10’ – 4 bytes
’11’ – 5 bytes
LSByte is used if address width is below 5 bytes


The software driver uses 5-byte addresses by default.  This reduces the payload data rate because it makes the packet header longer, but it reduces the likelihood of address collisions on the noisy 2.4 GHz ISM band.

Every radio on the network must use the same address width.