Robot Drummer

This was a project for ENGR 466, the integrated mechatronics design project course at UVic.  The group members were Matthew Loisel, Neil MacMillan, and Daniel Partridge.  We built a robot drummer that could strike a drum in response to MIDI commands, and play along with sound files on a computer.


We took some videos of the drummer as we progressed.  This video shows some of our testing while we were getting the solenoid working:

This video is a tour through our robot’s systems:

This video has a cymbal roll going from about 1 Hz to about 30 Hz:

And finally, this video shows our robot playing along with a song:

Source Code

Our code can be browsed at Google Code:


We compiled a design report as well as two assembly manuals as our final deliverables.  The reports are available for viewing below.

ENGR 466 Final Report: Robot Drummer

Mechanical Assembly Procedure

Electrical Assembly Procedure